Thank you for this! I bought the anthology specifically for one author, and then was surprised to see that a story I read and loved perviously (the Machado story!) but did not think was particularly kinky was her contribution. The anthology has been disappointing in all the ways you listed, so it’s nice to see my feelings voiced so throughly.

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Thank you for writing this, I appreciate your posts about kink and always come away with more books to add to my TBR list. I haven't read the anthology (and am quickly losing interest in it, since I've seen many people echo your criticisms) but I did read Machado's story which waa advertised as containing "lesbian BDSM." As you can imagine I was very disappointed on that front and am also confused why it was included.

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Thank you so much for writing this. As a fellow ~newly-kinky~ person, I'm reveling in your writing and I appreciate the thoroughness of your content. Thank you thank you! :)

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Ugh I can barely thank you enough. I have tried writing an essay about this very publication myself—and stopped midway out of an overwhelm of Not Wanting To Sound Too Harsh about the contributors (I will always support people attempting to write kink, smut, erotica! I want to encourage, not tear down..) reading this, I realize it may be a greater error to have Clutched Pearls.

This is exactly the moment where an astute and clear critic is required.

Great essay! Thank you.

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